Ex-Dallas cop who killed black neighbour is jailed for 10 years (photos)

Ex-Dallas cop Amber Guyger just got 10 years in prison on the heels of her conviction for murdering her neighbor, Botham Jean, whose brother created a shocking moment in court.

The sentencing went down Wednesday in Dallas and while there were cheers when it was announced, the most stunning event came earlier when Brandt Jean gave his victim's impact statement. He spoke directly to Guyger and told her to go to God and ask for forgiveness. He got choked up as he asked the judge if he could hug Guyger.

The judge said yes, and then they tearfully embraced for nearly a minute. You could hear people crying in court.

Brandt said he never wanted to tell his family he's personally forgiven Guyger.

Botham's family members burst into tears after her 10-year sentence was announced, and it appears even Judge Tammy Kemp -- who is black -- was moved by Brandt's statement. After the hearing, she also embraced Guyger.

Guyger fatally shot Jean just over a year ago inside his apartment after she mistakenly entered thinking it was hers and believing he was a burglar. She later lost her job after an internal affairs investigation determined she engaged in "adverse conduct."

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