Hilarious photos! Group of women left shocked after meeting man jogging in pink thong

These days it's often the case that you have to expect the unexpected. Mehn, this is so uncomfortable for any woman to see! OMG!! LOL

Really, would you ever expect to see a man out for a run on a hiking trail, wearing nothing but a pink thong and a pair of work boots?

Well, one group of hikers certainly weren't prepared to witness the strange sight and claim that the bizarre moment left them feeling rather "uncomfortable".

According to reports the group of women were going up and down the Wild Horse Mountain trail in Queensland, Australia when they came across the unknown man.

 One of the members of the group, Maree Price, told the Bribie Weekly the experience was "off putting".

She said: "On his way down, when we were on our way back up, he was wearing a pink G-string and work boots, his clothes in his hand.

"I'm not comfortable to go running the track on my own now."

Another unnamed member of the group confessed she couldn't believe what she had seen.

"Our 3rd repeat going up, and down comes old mate in just his workboots and a bright, lacy g-string !!!!!! We couldn't believe it!!!," they added.

"He ran past saying 'Sorry girls, sorry girls, sorry girls' over and over, and once we had passed him, he started covering his bare butt!!!!"

Ms Price is said to have reported the man to the police, but was told he wasn't doing anything illegal.

However, one officer did say that they would investigate the issue if further reports came in.

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