Woman 'bit her boyfriend's p.e.n.i.s' during row about him flirting with friend

A woman bit her boyfriend's p.e.n.i.s during a row about him flirting with another woman, police say.

Esperanza Gomez, 33, is claimed to have carried out the act in an apartment in Miami Beach, US, where the couple had been drinking from 9pm until 3am.

The row is believed to have been sparked after Esperanze accused her boyfriend of wanting to have s.e.x with a friend who had joined them in the apartment.

She arrived at midnight and left shortly afterwards.

According to NBC-2 News , a police report says she also grabbed her boyfriend by both arms and poked him with a knife leaving red marks and redness but no substantial injuries.

The incident in the US follows a similar case last month in which a woman hacked off a man's penis while he was raping her.

The woman then ran from her attacker n.a.k.e.d and covered in blood to knock on front doors for help.

The alleged attacker is already on the s.e.x offender’s register in South Carolina, USA, according to US media.

The local Greenville News paper reports the man is now out of custody on bond after the alleged sexual assault in August.

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